If you have been diagnosed with ADHD, or think you might be - THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU!! Your mind just works differently to most people. It's not a disorder. You are LIMITLESS!

All the best entrepreneurs, creative people, and scientists are "neuro spicy". You have to have a different way of thinking to be able to challenge the norm and hyper focus on your passions, theories, or new concepts.

So Why Do I Struggle in Life?

You have a certain physiology for how your mind works. Because this is different to how most people's works, you've been a square peg being bashed into a round hole. Your learning styles don't suit the traditional read write regurgitate process taught in school - you've been made to feel stupid for that all your life. You're a dreamer, a deep thinker, a creative soul but you've been suppressed. You're mind works faster than most but you can slip into over thinking on the negative. You need lots of stimulation, you get bored easily if not. You can hyper focus but you can reach overwhelm really quickly.

All of the negative feelings you experience are a result of trauma - negative experience where you've been made to feel less than your true self.

Discover you are Limitless!

By releasing all of the negative beliefs and behaviours, and resolving the past trauma and experience that made you feel less than your true self you can become truly limitless!

Analytical Hypnotherapy will find the original traumas and situations that created the fears, negative beliefs and behaviours that hold you back in your life and create the debilitating symptoms that hold you back. We will reframe the original trauma's and release the faulty programmes associated with them by allowing the subconscious mind in Hypnosis (a deep state of relaxation) to find, reframe and release those experiences leaving you FEARLESS and ready to find your true purpose.

1-2-1 Coaching will enable you to recognise your personal super powers! Take control of your life by recognising how your mind works. Learn how to understand yourself. Recognise how to navigate the highs and lows of your energy. Understand how your mind works and how to get the most from your ADHD physiology.

We will help you define your goals, create a plan to achieve them, and give you the strategies, tools and techniques to not only achieve your goals, but excel at them. Discover tools and techniques to find your true passions to lead you to true fulfilment in life. Developlink will guide you and support you in achieving the life changes you want and need to find your full LIMITLESSNESS!

Why use Developlink?

I have spent a life of being judged for many reasons - for being a daydreamer, a worrier, a fidgeter. For being late all the time. For being poor at planning ahead. Always working last minute up to deadlines. I thought there was something broken. Through a 22 year career in IT I found many coping mechanisms but ran on anxiety, over eating and excessive physical training. I was full of self worth, self denigration and didn't recognise my true super powers. I found the solution to recognising my super powers and finding my true purpose in life, and you can too!

For any more information or if you would like to discuss the process or book an appointment please contact us.